
Puettmann GmbH & Co. KG   
Oberurseler Str. 69
61440 Oberursel

(Liable company: Puettmann Verwaltungs GmbH, Oberursel Germany (Amtsgericht/Court Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe - HRB 14562)

Managing directors: Bernhard Püttmann, Frederik Püttmann, Lukas Püttmann
Company registration (Handelsregister):  HRA 5867 
Vat ID: DE112152033

Telephone:  +49 6171 91878-0
E-Mail: nfpttmnncm

Bank details:
Deutsche Bank: IBAN DE86 5007 0010 0477 5177 00
Commerzbank:  IBAN DE13 5004 0000 0373 6444 00 

Responsible for all editorial content according to §6 MDStV:
Puettmann GmbH & Co. KG represented by Bernhard Püttmann, Frederik Püttmann and Lukas Püttmann.

All rights reserved. Reprinting and duplication of the editorial texts/images including storage and use on optical and electronic data carriers only with the consent of the editors. The complete or partial use of content by unauthorized third parties is prohibited.

In the event that content contains inaccurate information, or errors should be contained in published programs or circuits and data sheets, liability can only be considered in the event of gross negligence on the part of Puettmann GmbH & Co.KG or its employees. All information on this website has been checked for accuracy with the utmost care. However, no liability can be accepted for any incorrect or incomplete information.

We would like to point out that there is no financial or accounting relationship with any of the manufacturers/suppliers named on the website. Puettmann GmbH & Co. KG is legally independent from the brands and companies mentioned on this webpage.

Legal form
Since June 1st, 2019 the Dipl.-Ing. Püttmann KG the Puettmann GmbH & Co.KG with the company appearance under: Puettmann Automatisierungstechnik. The name Püttmann was changed to international Puettmann.


Puettmann GmbH & Co. KG
Oberurseler Str. 69
61440 Oberursel


Phone: +49 6171 91878-0
Fax: +49 6171 91878-29 
Office hours: 7:00-16:00

Requests / quotes
